5 Questions to Ask your Wedding photographer

Choosing the right photographer for your wedding is essential. But to ensure that you vibe with your photographer, and keep yourselves safe, it’s essential to ask the right questions before making your decision. Here are ten important inquiries to help you find the right fit for your needs.

1. How many weddings have your photographer been at?

Experience counts! Just like pilots are counting flying hours, that number determines how well your photographer will handle your big day. Weddings can be unpredictable and stressful and need someone who can keep it together.

I have been at weddings where ambulances needed to be called. Once the bride had a complete meltdown, and the groom threatened to leave the party. Two times car tires have gone puff and let’s not mention the drunk uncles & cameras breaking. And the weather has torn on me more than I can count but I still made it true with a smile on my face. These things happen and how YOUR WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER handles it – matters.

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Inese Photo

I have been at weddings where ambulances needed to be called. Once the bride had a complete meltdown, and the groom threatened to leave the party. Two times car tires have gone puff and let’s not mention the drunk uncles & cameras breaking. And the weather has torn on me more than I can count but I still made it true with a smile on my face. These things happen and how YOUR WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER handles it – matters.

2. Ask about the gear. Do they have 2 cameras with 2 SD cards in each?

Cameras break, and SD cards go corrupt. I am telling this from my own experience. Having 2 cameras, and 2 SD cards is essential. Each will give that extra safety that the photos your photographer creates are backed up, and if one camera dies, at least there is a second one.

3. What about cancellations and refunds?

Everyone is crossing their fingers that it won’t come to it. But it’s always good to know the photographer’s policy regarding cancellations & rescheduling in case some unexpected situation pops up.

4. What if your photographer can’t make it?

Don’t forget to ask this question. Firstly, if I am a bit sick, I am popping some paracet and I am coming to your wedding. I am just not hugging anyone. But if I am too sick to work or have an emergency – I am part of an awesome professional wedding photographers community, where I can find you a great substitute in minutes. So whoever you’re considering having as your photographer, it’s awesome if you ask this question.

5. Discuss the contract.

First – is there a contract? Because you need one. Asking this question will ensure that you & your photographer are covered. Things can go sour and a contract will keep you safe when they do. It’s extra protection, so use it.

Bonus point – Chek out theyr work

Most wedding photographers have a blog page featuring theyr best work. It would guarantee you are familiar with the style & way of working.

So there you have it!

By asking these 5 questions, you can keep yourself informed while gaining trust that you are in safe hands. Remember, take the time to communicate and clarify your expectations and wishes, and wants, and see if you can build that connection that would result in you feeling comfortable with your wedding photographer so you be your true selves.

Now I want to hear from you. Is there a question I have missed? Tell me in the comments.

Who’s the wedding photographer?

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